Can An Injured Muscle Repair Without Inflammation
Practice-Induced Musculus Damage: Understanding the Basics
It is well accustomed that ultrastructural disruptions in musculus, decrements in muscle strength, DOMS, and efflux of muscle enzymes are greater, and the recovery of these indexes is slower after eccentric (i.due east., lengthening) vs. concentric (i.eastward., shortening) muscle contractions (49, 72). Concentric muscle contractions do not cause exercise-induced musculus damage (49), but exercise-induced muscle harm is evident later isometric contractions at a long muscle length and eccentric muscle contractions, even at low intensity (fifteen). Diverse mechanisms likely account for the loss of strength after eccentrically biased exercise, which is considered to be the best indicator of exercise-induced musculus damage (23). These mechanisms are outlined in the following theoretical model (39). Mechanical strain during eccentric exercise causes half sarcomere nonuniformity and overstretching of sarcomeres beyond filament overlap, leading to "popped sarcomeres." These alterations likely directly reduce force product and overload sarcolemma and t-tubule structures. In plow, these events crusade opening of stretch-activated channels, membrane disruption, and excitation-contraction coupling dysfunction. Ca2+ entering the cytosol through stretch-activated channels and/or permeable sections of the sarcolemma may stimulate calpain enzymes to degrade contractile proteins or excitation-wrinkle coupling proteins, resulting in prolonged loss of muscle strength (39).
Although DOMS is too a common symptom of muscle harm, the precise mechanisms responsible for DOMS remain somewhat uncertain. It is usually believed that microtrauma of myofibers and subsequent inflammation cause DOMS. However, mechanical hyperalgesia occurs in rat muscle 1–3 days after eccentric musculus contractions, without any credible microscopic damage of the muscle or signs of inflammation (34). Two pathways are involved in inducing mechanical hyperalgesia subsequently eccentric muscle contractions: 1) activation of the B2-bradykinin receptor-nervus growth cistron pathway, and 2) activation of the COX-2-glial prison cell line-derived neurotrophic factor pathway. It appears that these neurotrophic factors are produced by muscle fibers and/or satellite cells (65). These agents may induce DOMS straight by stimulating muscle nociceptors. Alternatively, they may act indirectly by binding to extracellular receptors, and inducing secretion of neurotrophins from muscle fibers, resulting in nociceptor stimulation and DOMS (39). It is likely that DOMS is associated more with inflammation in the ECM, rather than myofiber damage and inflammation (23).
The biological significance of practise-induced disruption of sarcomeric, membrane, and ECM structures in muscle remains nether debate (39). Early morphological observations of streaming of Z disks (29, 72), widening of perimyseal areas between fascicles, and separation of myofibers from i another within fascicles (101) were interpreted equally evidence of muscle harm. Nevertheless, more contemporary theories advise that eccentric exercise does not damage muscle fibers per se (118), and that Z-disk streaming, smearing, and disruption may instead stand for muscle remodeling and adaptation (117). Regardless of their precise biological significance, these ultrastructural changes in muscle after exercise are sensitive to differences in mechanical load/contraction fashion (31, 72) and correlate with changes in muscle office (31, 48).
Time class of exercise-induced musculus damage.
The number of musculus fibers showing disruption of normal myofibrillar banding patterns is increased immediately after eccentric exercise (31). Disruption of Z disks and sarcomeres appears to peak between one and 3 days after practice (21, xxx, 72, 117), only may remain elevated up to 6−eight days after exercise (30, 43, 117). There is a temporal association between the extent of loss of muscle strength afterwards exercise and the time required to restore muscle strength back to normal. When musculus strength decreases by ≤20% immediately later on exercise, it is usually restored within 2 days subsequently exercise (21, 59). Past dissimilarity, when muscle strength decreases by ∼50% immediately after practise, especially for the initial exposure to eccentric muscle contractions, information technology remains beneath preexercise values at vii days after exercise (48, 82, 84). Equally shown in Fig. ii, the fourth dimension class of changes in muscle strength, range of motion, DOMS, limb circumference (i.e., swelling), and claret CK activity in the days afterward intense eccentric exercise varies. Fifty-fifty when recovery of muscle strength is prolonged, DOMS is resolved by effectually iv days after practise (23). Muscle swelling peaks 4−5 days after practise, while increases in blood markers of muscle damage such as CK action are also delayed (23). Changes in muscle force appear to influence the magnitude and time class of changes in other markers of do-induced muscle damage.

Fig. ii.Schematic illustration displaying model data for the typical magnitude and time grade of changes in maximal voluntary contraction torque of the elbow flexors (maximum voluntary contraction), range of motion at the elbow joint, swelling measured past upper arm circumference, delayed onset muscle soreness assessed by a visual analog scale, and creatine kinase activity in the blood before (Pre), immediately after (Post), and 1−5 days after 30 maximal eccentric muscle contractions of the elbow flexors performed by healthy young men who were unaccustomed to the exercise. Information are derived from separate assay published elsewhere (23). ●, Strength; ▲, swelling; △, soreness; ○, range of motility; ■, creatine kinase.
Factors affecting recovery from practise-induced muscle damage.
The most well-known cistron that influences recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage is previous muscle damage. Afterwards an initial bout of muscle-damaging exercise, musculus adapts and is protected such that the signs and symptoms of practice-induced musculus harm are less severe and render to normal more rapidly after subsequent bouts of practice (80, 85, 104). This phenomenon is known as the "repeated bout event." These protective effects are produced by low-intensity eccentric musculus contractions, or maximal isometric contractions at a long musculus length (fifteen, 51) that exercise not crusade (or only induce minor) symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage. The repeated tour effect is as well conferred to the contralateral muscles, such that the second bout of eccentric exercise performed by the contralateral arm induces less exercise-induced muscle damage than the initial tour performed by the opposite arm (xiv).
Do-induced muscle harm is greater and/or recovery is slower after the following: 1) exercise performed at high vs. depression eccentric torque (77, 78, 81), increasing numbers of eccentric muscle contractions (7), and long vs. short muscle lengths (19, 79); 2) exercise using a single joint vs. multiple joints (100); and 3) practise using the arms vs. the legs (sixteen, 42) and the knee flexors vs. the knee extensors (16). Contraction velocity does not influence muscle strength following thirty eccentric muscle contractions, whereas loss of muscle forcefulness is greater after 210 eccentric muscle contractions at fast (210°/s) vs. slow (30°/s) velocity (11). It remains unclear whether recovery from exercise-induced musculus damage differs betwixt men and women, partly because of variation in the age and grooming status of research participants, the type, and intensity of practise protocols (28). However, it does non announced that the sex difference is large. Recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage is not affected by the configuration of repetitions and sets (10), the remainder interval between sets of eccentric muscle contractions (64), or performing eccentric exercise with damaged muscles (one, 76).
The greater mechanical strain associated with loftier- vs. depression-force musculus contractions and a greater number of contractions about likely causes greater damage to contractile proteins and the ECM, resulting in more astringent exercise-induced muscle damage (78). Muscle contractions performed at long musculus lengths likely crusade a greater degree of nonuniformity of sarcomere length, in improver to larger disruption of stretched, weaker sarcomeres, and the ECM, leading to more severe exercise-induced musculus impairment (79). Recruitment of fewer musculus groups, which are also smaller/weaker and more vulnerable to overstretching, could theoretically account for why exercise-induced muscle impairment is greater after single- vs. multijoint practise. Neural control is different between eccentric and concentric or isometric muscle contractions, such that untrained individuals are usually unable to fully activate their muscles during maximal eccentric muscle contractions. Motor unit discharge rate is also lower during eccentric compared with concentric muscle contractions, mainly due to reduced spinal excitability (26). The greater exercise-induced muscle damage following arm vs. leg exercise and knee joint flexion vs. extension probably occurs as a result of differences in the level of regular mechanical loading in these musculus groups (16). Differences in exercise-induced muscle impairment following a large number of fast vs. ho-hum velocity eccentric muscle contractions may ascend for ii reasons (xi). Starting time, faster contractions may produce greater forcefulness at longer lengths, which, as explained to a higher place, increases the run a risk of damage to contractile proteins. Second, faster contractions may activate fewer cantankerous bridges that are capable of producing forcefulness and may thereby increase the amount of mechanical stress per active cross bridge. This outcome may be exacerbated in fast-twitch muscle fibers as the number of musculus contractions increases (xi).
Acute Responses and Resolution of Inflammation after Do-Induced Muscle Damage
The term "inflammation" is oft used loosely, without definition or whatsoever value statement every bit to whether information technology is a "good" or "bad" procedure. In the context of sports medicine, "inflammation" encompasses clinical, physiological, cellular, and molecular changes within injured tissue (98). Historically, muscle inflammation post-obit practice-induced muscle damage has sometimes been considered as a detrimental procedure associated with tissue harm, hurting, and delayed recovery (109). However, this broad viewpoint does not take account of the many and varied aspects of inflammation. The notion that inflammation is a cardinal process underlying muscular repair and regeneration is now gaining credence (12, 106). Nether nonpathophysiological atmospheric condition (e.g., after exercise-induced muscle damage), intramuscular inflammation is a tightly coordinated and dynamic process that eventually leads to adaptive remodeling and return to homeostasis (12, 106).
The chief focus of this section of our review is on musculus inflammation following exercise-induced muscle damage in humans, based on histological testify and quantification of cytokine mRNA and protein in muscle. We also refer to key animal and prison cell civilization studies, considering these investigations offering essential insights into the regulation and consequences of intramuscular inflammation. Considering that the kinetics of musculus-immune interactions are a central aspect for the functional recovery of the muscle (12, 106), nosotros have too focused on the fourth dimension course of inflammation in muscle after eccentric exercise. Although inflammation is intimately linked with myogenesis and remodeling of the ECM, we have not discussed these topics in detail here, considering they are covered in another review by Mackey and Kjaer in this result of the journal (54).
Time course of muscle inflammation in humans after exercise.
The accumulation of inflammatory cells (leukocytes) in the muscle tissue, as identified by histological observations, is considered a cardinal sign of exercise-induced muscle damage. A number of human being studies involving various types of "muscle-damaging" practise have provided bear witness for the accumulation of leukocytes in the musculus tissue (86). Leukocytes accept been observed in muscle biopsy samples after intense, loftier-volume, and/or unaccustomed resistance do (3, 18, 21, 57, 84), downhill running (59), and long distance running/ultraendurance exercise involving running (60). Controversy exists every bit to whether the local inflammatory responses are acquired past repeated musculus biopsies rather than past exercise (58, 114). Yet there is also evidence indicating that any inflammation arising from the biopsy process itself is minor compared with inflammation resulting from exercise (82).
As shown in Fig. 1, leukocytes may start to accumulate in the exercised muscle immediately after exercise. An early accumulation of radiolabeled leukocytes, primarily neutrophils located in microblood vessels in the musculus tissue, has been observed between i and 24 h after eccentric exercise (84, 94). Histological examinations typically prove that leukocytes accrue in the extracellular infinite inside the muscle 24–48 h after exercise (3, 35, 82). Specific evidence for neutrophil accumulation beyond 24 h postexercise is limited (56, 90, 103, 104). This may be partly due to methodological difficulties in detecting neutrophils (82, 83), or more than likely because neutrophils rapidly disappear from the regenerating musculus (109). Increased numbers of monocytes/macrophages are observed more consistently in human skeletal muscle at after time points of recovery, such as 48 h to seven days and beyond (43, 56, 57, lx, 82). At the same time point during recovery from exercise, some individuals brandish substantial leukocyte accumulation, whereas others present with very few leukocytes in musculus (Fig. 3A). Figure 3A summarizes the findings of many studies that accept examined histological evidence of leukocyte invasion in musculus after exercise.

Fig. 3.Summary of published data for the magnitude and time course of changes in leukocyte infiltration (A), cytokine/chemokine mRNA (B), and poly peptide expression in muscle afterwards exercise (C). Each symbol represents data from an private report. The dotted line represents baseline values. TNF, tumor necrosis factor; IL, interleukin; TGF, transforming growth factor; LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor; IFN, interferon; G-CSF, granulocyte-colony stimulating gene; CCL, C-C motif chemokine ligand; CXCL, C-X-C motif ligand.
These observations back up the notion that neutrophils and monocytes are mobilized into the circulation following practise-induced muscle harm (69, 71, 88). Subsequently, they transmigrate into the muscle where they break down damaged muscle tissue through phagocytosis and by releasing proteolytic enzymes (e.yard., elastase, myeloperoxidase), and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (109) (Fig. 1). In a previous report (seventy), nosotros investigated the time class of changes in the transcriptome of skeletal muscle afterwards endurance practise involving moderate muscle damage (cycling followed by running), as indicated past increases in plasma myoglobin concentration and CK activeness (71). These data suggested an early migration of leukocytes into the muscle and immune activation three h postexercise (lxx). Furthermore, substantial transcriptional activity, functionally related to the presence of leukocytes, immune-related signaling, and adaptive remodeling of the intramuscular ECM was evident until 96 h after exercise (70).
Tissue-resident leukocytes, such as macrophages, may as well become activated after exercise, in add-on to (or potentially fifty-fifty in the absence of) the recruitment and aggregating of blood-borne monocytes (3, 56, 57, 84, 86, 103, 104). Notably, ~4–7 days following severe practice-induced muscle harm (discussed below), leukocytes also invade the intracellular space of exercised musculus tissue (eighteen, 82, 84) (Fig. i). There is little testify that astringent myofiber necrosis occurs even in response to intense voluntary eccentric exercise (119). Meaning necrosis does occur in muscle following electrically stimulated contractions (21). The pattern of myofiber recruitment during muscle contractions may, therefore, decide the extent of necrosis (21). Alternatively, segmental myofiber necrosis may occur without affecting the whole myofiber (86). In such "severe" cases, leukocytes take been observed in the musculus tissue even three wk after postexercise (84, 95).
Coupled with histological prove of leukocyte infiltration, exercise-induced muscle impairment is also associated with increased expression of cytokine/chemokine mRNA and poly peptide in musculus (86). The time grade of changes in the expression of various cytokines and chemokines in muscle afterward exercise is depicted in Fig. iii, B (mRNA level) and C (poly peptide level). Considerable attending has focused on changes in interleukin (IL)-6, C-X-C motif ligand eight (CXCL8; as well known as IL-viii) and C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2; also known as monocyte chemotactic protein-1) mRNA expression, predominantly in 2 time windows at one−four h and at 24 h subsequently exercise. Compared with mRNA expression, much less is known near changes in cytokine/chemokine poly peptide expression in musculus subsequently exercise. The functions of cytokines and chemokines in repair of muscle damage later practice are summarized in Tabular array 1 and discussed further below.
TNF-α | IL-6 | IFN-γ | IL-1β | CCL2 | IL-10 |
Signaling and intercellular interactions | |||||
↑NF-κB | ↑STAT3 | ↑NF-κB | ↑ERK1/ii | M1 to M2 macrophage shift | |
↑p38 MAPK | ↑p38 MAPK | ↓IL-1β-induced IL-vi | |||
↑macrophages | ↑macrophages | ↑macrophages | ↓IL-1β-induced inhibition of myogenin | ||
↑neutrophils | Inhibition of IGF-ane actions | ↑iNOS | Inhibition of IGF-one actions | ||
↑cyclin D1 expression and stability | ↑MyoD + myogenin | ||||
↑myogenin and MEF2 | ↑IL-1β, TNF-α, TGF-β, IL-x, CCL2, CCL3, CCL5 | ↑IL-half-dozen | |||
↑MLC kinase | ↑atrogin-1 and MuRF mRNA | ||||
↑destabilization of MyoD mRNA | |||||
↑degradation of MyoD protein | |||||
↓MRF4 | |||||
Issue on myoblast activity and muscle regeneration | |||||
↑Mb proliferation | ↑Mb proliferation | ↑Mb proliferation | ↑Mb proliferation | ↑Mb proliferation | ↑Mb proliferation (via M1 to M2 macrophage shift) |
↑Mb migration | |||||
↓Mb differentiation | ↑Mb differentiation | ↓Mb differentiation (via ↓IGF-1 actions) | ↓Mb differentiation | ↑Mb differentiation (via inhibition of IL-1β) | |
↓Mb fusion | ↓IGF-1-induced Mb differentiation | ↑Mb fusion | ↓myotube width | ||
TNF −/−: ↓regeneration | IL6 −/−: ↓regeneration | IFNγ −/−: ↓regeneration | CCL2 −/−: ↓regeneration |
Effects of muscle workload on muscle inflammation and linkages with functional recovery of the muscle.
The data from man studies that take investigated muscle inflammation later on diverse types of practice suggest that leukocyte accumulation in muscle is a gradual process that depends on the extent of muscle damage (40, 86). As discussed before, the assessment of muscle function past measuring forcefulness-generating capacity (i.east., strength) is considered a reliable and valid method for the degree of muscle harm (23, 31, 48). Studies that accept both analyzed the presence of leukocytes in muscle biopsy samples and measured changes in muscle strength indicate an clan betwixt muscle function and leukocyte accumulation, as well as other histological observations (86). For the following brief review of these studies, we accept used the scheme to appraise musculus damage based on the decline in muscular strength, besides equally the recovery time required to regain full forcefulness, equally proposed by Paulsen et al. (86).
Evidence for leukocyte accumulation in response to "mild" practice-induced muscle damage (i.eastward., a subtract in muscle role <20% and full recovery inside ii days) is limited (86). Despite recovery of muscle function within 2 days, Crameri et al. (21) observed an accumulation of CD68+ macrophages in the endomysium and perimysium regions of musculus later on unilateral, maximal eccentric muscle contractions of the knee extensors. Conversely, Malm et al. (59) reported no signs of leukocyte inflammation 48 h after downhill running. While muscle function had returned to baseline at this time indicate (i.e., 2 days postexercise), DOMS was observed, together with increases in blood granulocytes and serum CK activeness (59). This latter finding agrees with the concept that DOMS is a common symptom of musculus damage, but is not necessarily related to the accumulation of leukocytes among myofibers (82, 86, 119).
Most studies reporting moderate do-induced muscle harm (i.eastward., reduction of >20% in musculus forcefulness and recovery inside vii days) also observed accumulation of leukocytes in the muscle (3, 38, 82, 86). Together with a large interindividual variation in response to maximal eccentric exercise, Paulsen et al. (82) reported that the intracellular infiltration of leukocytes into myofibers was typically observed in "high responders" who showed the nigh pronounced and prolonged decrease in muscle office. In accordance with previous findings (94), Paulsen et al. (82) also showed that leukocyte accumulation correlated with delayed recovery of musculus function.
Leukocyte accumulation is a consistent finding in studies that reported "severe" exercise-induced muscle impairment, as characterized past a decrease in forcefulness-generating capacity of >50%, and a recovery of >1 wk (xviii, 43, 82, 84). In response to severe damage, the greatest number of leukocytes in the muscle was observed at the aforementioned time-points at which there were indications of segmental myofiber necrosis (xviii, 43, 82, 84). Collectively, leukocyte accumulation in musculus has been a relatively consistent finding in response to moderate to severe muscle impairment, typically induced by maximal eccentric exercise beyond a large range of motion (86).
Compared with data on leukocyte responses, fewer studies have systematically compared intramuscular cytokine expression after practise at different muscle workloads (86). There are reports that poly peptide expression of CCL2 (38, twoscore) and C-X-C motif chemokine 10 (CXCL10; also known as interferon γ-induced poly peptide 10) in musculus is greater after eccentric vs. concentric exercise. Although Malm et al. (59) observed greater loss of muscle forcefulness and higher plasma CK activity afterwards downhill running at −8 vs. −4°, there were no significant changes in IL-half dozen, IL-1β, or leukemia inhibitory cistron poly peptide expression after either exercise trial. Other studies measuring cytokine expression in muscle subsequently eccentric exercise or more traditional resistance practice did non measure changes in muscle strength as an indirect marker of muscle damage. At present, therefore, there is insufficient testify to establish definitively that the magnitude of intramuscular cytokine expression after exercise is related to the extent of muscle harm.
Leukocyte functions and mechanisms underlying muscle-immune interactions during muscle regeneration/recovery.
Increasing evidence from studies in rodents shows that multiple allowed cell types collaborate with the muscle and are critical for all stages of muscle repair and regeneration (12, 106) (Fig. 1). The initial proinflammatory response to muscle impairment is dominated past the aggregating of neutrophils and proinflammatory macrophages. Neutrophils contribute to muscle injury and impair muscle remodeling and functional recovery subsequently contraction-induced injury in mice (74, 91). However, the high cytotoxicity and capacity of neutrophils to lyse muscle cells is reduced when neutrophils are cocultured with macrophages (73). Neutrophils modify the cytotoxicity of macrophages, such that fewer macrophages are required to lyse muscle cells (73). These findings demonstrate that neutrophils and macrophages interact with each other during the proinflammatory phase of musculus injury.
Proinflammatory macrophages strongly express the cell surface molecule CD68 and take traditionally been referred to equally M1 macrophages. These cells have subsequently been characterized more than specifically equally Gr1high or Ly6CposCX3CR1lo, based on their pattern on receptor expression (24, 96). Both neutrophils and M1/Ly6CposCX3CR1lo macrophages are important for the removal of cell debris through phagocytosis and reactive species production (2, 73) (Fig. 1). However, excess production of reactive species by these inflammatory cells tin exacerbate muscle damage (73).
Reducing or blocking certain muscle inflammatory responses interferes with muscle regeneration and subsequent adaptive remodeling. For example, depletion of neutrophils in mice earlier musculus injury compromises muscle regeneration, mayhap as a result of dumb neutrophil-mediated macrophage recruitment (105). Blocking the recruitment of monocytes to injured muscles (52), or handling of injured muscle with the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-ten at the initial proinflammatory phase, besides impairs muscle regeneration (24, 89).
Another key concept underlying the benefits of tightly regulated inflammation in musculus is that macrophages display marked and dynamic phenotype plasticity during muscle regeneration (2, 97, 112). This phenotypic plasticity of macrophages is primarily dependent on their tissue surroundings (106). In particular, the shift in phenotype from proinflammatory M1 to anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages [likewise characterized every bit Gr1low Ly6CnegCX3CR1hi cells (112)] is key for the transition from a pro- to an anti-inflammatory response, and the resolution of inflammation (12, 106). Known signals that regulate this M1- to M2-macrophage transition include the phagocytosis of cell debris (2), IL-x (24), and AMP-activated protein kinase-α (66).
As part of the concept that musculus inflammation is coregulated with muscle regeneration (106), M1 macrophages collaborate with proliferating satellite cells, whereas M2 macrophages interact with differentiating satellite cells (97). Satellite cells and injured muscle recruit monocytes/macrophages through chemotactic factors, such equally fractalkine (CX3CL1) (13) and CCL2 (52). M1 macrophages secrete proinflammatory cytokines (east.g., TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6), as well as secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (12). They also attract more inflammatory cells and stimulate satellite jail cell proliferation (106). M2 macrophages, characterized by strong expression of CD163 (97), produce anti-inflammatory cytokines (east.g., IL-10), transforming growth gene-β1 (two), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (53). M2 macrophages primarily attenuate inflammation, rescue satellite cells from apoptosis and stimulate their proliferation, and promote muscle regeneration and the synthesis of connective tissue (13, 24, 106).
Although most attention to date has focused on neutrophils and macrophages, other cell types, including mast cells, T lymphocytes, eosinophils, fibro-adipogenic progenitors, and pericytes, besides play important roles in muscle tissue regeneration (Fig. 1). Mast cells secrete diverse chemoattractants and tryptase; in turn, these factors increment myoblast proliferation and reduce myoblast differentiation (27). T-regulatory cells express chemokine receptors and secrete various anti-inflammatory factors, including IL-10 and transforming growth cistron-β. Similar to mast cells, T-regulatory cells stimulate myoblast proliferation and expansion of the satellite cell pool. They also suppress myoblast differentiation and ECM proteins that induce fibrosis (eight, nine, 113). CD8 T cells facilitate muscle regeneration past stimulating the secretion of CCL2 and recruiting of Gr1lo or M1-like macrophages into muscle (121). Eosinophils secrete the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4, which in plow stimulates fibro-adipogenic progenitors to initiate myoblast differentiation and necrosis (36). Lastly, type 2 pericytes secrete diverse growth factors that enhance myoblast differentiation, while besides stimulating satellite cell quiescence (5, 44). With the exception of pericytes (41) and CD8 T lymphocytes (25, 60), little is currently known most whether practise alters the number and/or action of these cells in muscle.
Table i outlines the mechanisms of action of practise-responsive cytokines (i.east., IL-6, CCL2, interferon-γ), the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β, and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-x in muscle cells. All of these cytokines enhance myoblast proliferation, whereas their effects of myoblast differentiation vary. This variation depends partly on the prison cell signaling pathways that these cytokines activate (e.g., p38 MAPK or NF-κB) (107), and whether the cytokines influence the activity of myogenic factors, such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (six, 102). Cytokines such every bit TNF-α may regulate muscle cells during early on phases of muscle regeneration through their effects on proinflammatory macrophages. In the later phases, TNF-α may influence muscle cells more direct past binding its receptors on the cells (107). The expression of other cytokines, such every bit CXCL8 (IL-8), IL-7, and leukemia inhibitor factor, besides increases in musculus later on exercise. Although the functions of these cytokines are less well known, evidence exists that CXCL8 enhances myoblast differentiation (92), IL-seven stimulates satellite cell proliferation and migration (33), and leukemia inhibitor factor increases myoblast proliferation (47).
Although fauna studies take provided key insights into the complex regulatory mechanisms underlying musculus-immune interactions, information technology is important non to draw direct comparisons between these studies and recovery of exercise-induced musculus inflammation in humans (86). Many of these animal models involved rather nonphysiological muscle actions or nonphysiological techniques to manipulate inflammation (e.g., injection of bupivacaine, ophidian venom, and BaClii; freeze injury and vanquish injury). The extent of muscle damage in animal studies is also arguably more severe than muscle impairment resulting from practise.
Changes in intramuscular inflammation following musculus accommodation.
In add-on to investigations on the time form of muscle inflammation after do, several studies accept examined adaptive changes in musculus inflammation after training and repeated bouts of eccentric do. Gordon et al. (32) compared the early recovery responses to acute resistance practice in trained vs. untrained arm muscles in the same individuals following unilateral arm resistance exercise training. Training reduced the transcription of genes involved in monocyte recruitment, whereas it enhanced the transcription of genes involved in the switch from a pro- to an anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype post-obit astute resistance practice (32). Other show indicates that the expression of some chemokines, such as CCL2, is upregulated (25, 38), whereas NF-κB DNA-binding activity is downregulated (115) in muscle following adaptation to repeated bouts of eccentric exercise. These findings suggest that, after muscle adaptation, proinflammatory responses to exercise are dampened. Conversely, the greater responsiveness of CCL2 (for case) following musculus adaptation may enhance processes involved in muscle tissue repair, such every bit myoblast proliferation (116). Through these mechanisms, the immune organisation may improve the efficiency of musculus regeneration following injury.
It is important to emphasize that the sequence and timing of the stages of muscle inflammation are critical for efficient musculus regeneration and recovery (12, 106). Mounting an initial proinflammatory response to muscle injury is required for all subsequent phases of inflammation that are function of the recovery process involving satellite cell activation and muscle regeneration (12, 106). Still, the interactions between leukocytes and skeletal muscle must be tightly regulated to avoid prolonged inflammation, excessive tissue damage, and fibrosis (12, 106).
Strategies for Enhancing Recovery from Musculus Damage and Inflammation
A range of physiotherapeutic, nutritional, and pharmacological strategies has been evaluated to investigate their effectiveness in restoring muscle function, relieving muscle soreness, and reducing intramuscular inflammation subsequently exercise. Some individual studies have reported benefits of these strategies for recovery from exercise-induced muscle harm. Still, the results of systematic reviews and meta-analyses that have combined all of these studies reveal no major or consistent advantages from applying many of these strategies. Massage, wearing pinch garments, and cold water immersion consistently improve muscle soreness (37, 62, 93). Compression garments and cold water immersion also enhance recovery of musculus strength (50, 62). Inquiry on the effects of cherry juice and polyphenols has produced some promising preliminary results, but more piece of work is required to strengthen this show (four, 67). Research on other physicotherapeutic (due east.g., vibration therapy, neuromuscular stimulation, intermittent pneumatic pinch, low-intensity exercise, musculus warming), nutritional (e.g., poly peptide, fish oil), and pharmacological (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) interventions has either yielded inconsistent or null findings. Accordingly, it is not possible to make definitive conclusions almost their benefits as treatments for exercise-induced musculus harm.
In contrast with the body of literature on treatments for exercise-induced muscle damage, much less attention has focused on treatments for intramuscular inflammation, at least in humans. I study has demonstrated that massage later on exercise reduces NF-κB p65 aggregating, IL-6, and TNF-α protein expression in musculus afterwards practice (22). Most research demonstrates no benefits of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for treating intramuscular inflammation after exercise (111). However, recent research suggests that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can improve muscle regeneration through other mechanisms, such as activation of satellite cells (55). Quercetin supplementation does not influence NF-κB, COX2, or cytokine mRNA expression in muscle afterward exercise (75). Compared with depression-intensity cycling (i.due east., "active" recovery), common cold water immersion also does non alter leukocyte infiltration or cytokine mRNA expression in musculus afterwards resistance practise (87). The results of several animal studies reveal that supplementation with grape seed-derived proanthocyanidolic oligomer before or after muscle injury enhances resolution of inflammation and promotes musculus regeneration (45, 46, 68). Farther research is warranted to determine whether such benefits as well occur in humans after exercise-induced muscle damage.
Theoretical and Practical Considerations
The time class of recovery following exercise-induced muscle harm depends on the extent of initial muscle damage, which in turn depends on various factors, including the intensity and duration of exercise, joint bending/muscle length, and muscle groups used during exercise. The effects of these factors on muscle strength, soreness, and swelling are well characterized. By dissimilarity, much less is known nearly how they touch on molecular aspects of muscle adaptation/remodeling and intramuscular inflammation. Variability between loftier and depression responders to musculus-damaging practice is frequently reported in the literature (23). More systematic, well-controlled studies are needed to identify the precise source(s) of such variability. Further human research is too warranted that encompasses all of the mechanisms that accept been proposed to lead to the loss of force, musculus soreness, and other symptoms of muscle damage (e.g., increased stiffness, swelling) after practice, and how these are associated with ultrastructural changes, especially in the ECM.
Data have been accumulating over the past decade or and then suggesting that muscle inflammation in response to acute injury and in otherwise healthy skeletal muscle is part of the functional recovery of the musculus. Blocking muscle inflammation in response to exercise-induced musculus damage in healthy young individuals may interfere with functional recovery and adaptive processes in muscle (61). Further research is required to establish whether anti-inflammatory countermeasures are benign under conditions of excessive or chronic low-grade inflammation (e.g., in the elderly), as suggested by the findings of Trappe et al. (110). Considering the current lack of human data on how aging affects the interplay of skeletal muscle with immune cells during recovery from exercise, this represents an important gap in our cognition that needs to be addressed. Furthermore, more time course-dependent investigations post-obit unlike types of exercise are required to gain a better understanding of the highly dynamic muscle-immune interactions in a physiological context.
Many treatments accept been tested to determine whether they help to restore muscle function and reduce muscle soreness following exercise. Perhaps with the exception of massage, common cold water immersion, and wearing compression garments, these treatments have non produced consistent benefits. Although evidence is defective to back up the concrete benefits of some of these treatments, their perceptual effects may be important for exercise recovery (20, 108). In this regard, withal, a key consideration is whether by masking the perception of pain or accelerating recovery alee of structural remodeling, some of these treatments may actually increase chance of further muscle injury.
A number of issues related to muscle impairment and inflammation warrant further investigation: 1) the effects of postexercise recovery strategies on intramuscular inflammation; 2) similarities or differences in responses to postexercise recovery treatments in females vs. males; 3) the relationship between ultrastructural harm (e.thousand., Z-line streaming) and myofibril damage (e.yard., necrosis); 4) the mechanical and/or biochemical factors that lead to inflammation within the ECM; 5) if and how inflammation inside the ECM is related to symptoms of muscle damage (e.g., DOMS, strength loss, swelling); 6) what factors account for the large intersubject variability for the responses to eccentric exercise-induce musculus damage; and vii) whether muscle-immune interactions occur following nondamaging exercise. Thus the factors that influence muscle damage and inflammation during recovery from exercise remain an interesting and important surface area for ongoing research.
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